E-Tunez can be contacted from Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm CST at: (224) 268-1626. These are our typical working hours as well, we do our best to respond to all requests in a timely fashion, this number is text friendly too, however… while we can receive and read text messages we are unable to respond due to carrier limitations on our shared phone system, so email is best During evenings and weekends this number can still be texted but please use the above number only for emergency support, as we take a break for family time too. 🙂 

We can also recieve text messages on Instagram under user e.tunez. Hope that helps!

***If calling to see if we have received your datalog or email, please check to see if you have received our “Autoreply”. If an autoreply has been received it means the datalog has been received, but we ask you would allow us up to three days to respond before calling. We normally respond in 1-2 business days (Mon-Fri) but occasionally it may take a little extra time, ie upcoming long weekends, holidays, full moons or Honda-days! 🙂

Your patience is much appreciated.

-The E-Tunez Team

The E-tunez tuning team can be reached at:

Info@e-tunez.com (John, Technical Support, English – General Inquiries about tuning and related processes)

Dan@e-tunez.com (Dan, Lead Tuner, English – For inquiries during the tuning process)

Richard@e-tunez.com (Richard, Tuner, English – For inquiries during the tuning process)

Tuning@e-tunez.com  (Steve, Owner/Tuner, English/French – For technical/application specific inquiries)


We do not sell any tuning product or service on any website, public forum or digital marketplace except e-tunez.com, we had to mention that as there are some users on eBay and Amazon with similar names, and we get the occasional call about that.