Thanks for your business, for product purchases only, you are all done, but for tuning services we need a bit more information before we can start working on your map. We need to have the below information emailed to us at: .
1) Modification list (including tuning hardware: FlashPro/Ktuner/Cobb etc).
2) Vehicle year and mileage.
3) Model type (Sport/Si/Hatch/Sedan etc, as well as if it is Manual, Auto, CVT etc.) *Important for 2016+ models.
4) Tune Style Desired (Race/Performance). (Also if using Hondata please let us know if you have a CARB or RACE version FlashPro). This is also an opportunity to let us know if you prefer Speed Density vs AFM based tunes, or a JDM vs USDM ROM. Note that some vehicles are restricted to what ROMs they can run, others are not. Also, no stress, if your not sure what to say here, you can tell us that, and we would use our experience with your model to pick a proven map type for your car.
5) Also we will need the approximate location and elevation of your daily driving to reduce the learning time for IAT’s, elevation and vacuum table indexing as we will pay particular attention to those affected tables and may adjust vacuum table indexing to better suite your location.
6) We will also need to know the Fuel Type you are running, the octane rating and ethanol content. Ethanol will affect the target AFR’s. For example a minimal content ethanol fuel may perform best at a 0.90-0.92 Lambda (stock O2 reads13.2-13.5 WOT AFR), while a 25% ethanol fuel may perform better at a 0.86-0.88 Lambda (stock O2 reads 12.7-12.9 AFR). A E85 or E100 mixture may be targetted even richer, so knowing the fuel type is important.
7) If you have a custom map you are currently running please provide datalogs for that map as well as the map itself, as we will use this as a starting point, even if it requires significant revision. However, if you have no base map or datalogs it is not an issue and we will provide you with one to test as a base map and start datalogging at that point.
Lastly if you provide a custom map, we need to know if your vehicle was dyno-tuned on that map (not just dynoed). The difference is instead of starting from scratch we may use your existing map as a starting point, or we may start from fresh but simply retain Wide Open throttle ignition or similar settings etc and transfer into a better tuned starting point for your modifications if something looks very amiss (part throttle fueling, cam angle indexing etc) in the dyno-tuned map.
COBB users, please ensure all datalogs are logging at least the following 11 variables:
1) AFR – Air Fuel Ratio (or A/F Sens 1 Ratio)***
2) MAP – Mass Air Pressure (or Boost PSI / Man. ABS. Pressure)
3) MAF – Mass Air Flow (or MAF (g/s) or AFM)
4) RPM – Revs Per Minute ***
5) IPW – Injector Pulse Width (or Inj. PW with Lat)
6) TP – Throttle Position
7) MPH – Speed (or Vehicle Speed)
8) STFT – Short Term Fuel Trim (or A/F Correction 1)***
9) LTFT – Long Term Fuel Trim (or A/F Learning 1)***
10) IGN – Ignition Timing Advance (or Ignition Timing in Deg)
11) CA – Cam Angle for the Intake Cam Advance (or AVCS in/out *both)
12) Knock – Knock sensor feedback (or Fine Knock Learn / or Knock Volume)
13) Load – Vehicle load as a %. (or Calculated Load) ***
14) DAM – D.A.M multiplier for Subaru *If applicable / model year dependent.
*** = Tune Critical, can’t tune without. We also need your Cobb AP Serial number, very important as ATR Pro requires this information.
ALL users, please email the above requested information list to after your order is complete.
Please remember during all tuning to use the same fuel type and ethanol content as this affects AFR and STFT. Also if using a manual fuel pressure regulator or manual boost controller, please set the levels up ahead of time where possible and keep them the same until tuned. Also due to the returnless fuel system on many newer vehicles please try to keep the fuel level above half a tank during tuning, as some car tends to run sporatic fuel pressures (and air in the lines) when on the last few bars of fuel (this is why some SD/MAP tuned cars could report harder starting when near empty).
One last tip, be sure to allow the car to warm up fully before making any datalogs for submission, at least 10 minutes.. Typically we request a 30 min driving datalog and 1 to 2 WOT 3rd gear datalogs for each revision. These can be combined into one datalog or separate. For part throttle tuning, as revisions continue we may request to increase the datalog length for near completed tunes. This is due to the law of averages as in order for higher accurracy and averaging then previous revisions we need more information.
Due to the typial size of log files over 30 minutes (300MB to 700MB+) we recommend using to to compress these over 90% rather then online datalog hosting. Although online hosting does work it could take more time to get a revision as only a few revisions can add up to gigabytes of information being downloaded simultaneously with other users, where as small compressed logs download in seconds.
If you have any questions or concerns or suggestions for improvement please let us know. We are here to support you before, during and most importantly, after your purchase. Thank you for your business, we aim for your 100% satisfaction.
The E-tunez Tuning Team